Minecraft Map - Guide to Successfully Making It Past the First Night

If you are new to Minecraft and are dealing with the early frustrations of the game this article is for you. One of the biggest challenges heard throughout forums and other social platforms is about the mounted anger and frustration associated with not being able to make it past the first night. In the case of many, this is the make or break moment as to whether or not they continue on with the game however; it does not need to be.

The growing popularity and praise of Minecraft and is largely due to the creative challenges that players must overcome. Making it past the first night being the first of many. Unlike most games which provide guidance or structure, Minecraft forces players to think, create, and secure objects that will help them to defeat creatures, other obstacles, and bottom-line advance to other levels and challenges.

Here is a breakdown of a series of steps for making it past the notoriously worst first night.

During the day work as hard as you can to collect an abundant supply of raw materials. Wooden logs are a good starting point and will come in useful when crafting planks and sticks for building a dwelling or place to stay overnight. Next, you should focus on mining coal and rocks for torches and picks. Aside from those, you will also need a stone sword to help defend your resources and fight off creatures.

By nightfall you should be prepared and have an ample supply of materials to make it thru the night. Some people like to venture out to explore the realm. It has always been my best practice to stay inside of my dwelling to avoid unexpected deaths by creatures. Playing safe is playing smart and can mean the difference between your success and failure in the game.

Making it beyond the first night is in many ways the most difficult aspect for new players to master. Countless unexpected and unnecessary deaths can leave you frustrated, angry, and ready to abandon the game altogether. If you are able to follow the tips outlined in this article you early game frustrations are bound to decrease and you proficiency in game play is likely to increase.

Shaun Caldwell is an experienced Minecraft player who is knowledgeable about practically every aspect of the game including how to make it past the first night and acquire, craft, and use every detail in them game. He encourages you to share your game playing experience and strategies for success with others on his Minecraft forum.

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